First, let us introduce ourselves. We are four French engineering students from EISTI school (École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information). The courses of this school deal with mathematics and computer science. This year is the last of our curriculum and we joined the embedded computing specialization. Also, in order to become graduated we have to realize a final project.
Nowadays, technology has reached a point where it is possible to "give life" to objects. So that, machines can make decisions, learn by themselves and communicate. Such a progress allows thousands kinds of applications, both for entertainment, home automation, industry or assistance. Sometimes, humans need to perform some tasks on areas that they do not have an exact knowledge (as a city that suffered a natural disaster for example). Thus, one of the most important problem, for safety agents, is to know exactly the situation in order to deploy an approach strategy for acting. The creation of a robot's team which analyze the unknown area could be a great help in this kind of situation.
That is why we decided, in the context of our graduation project, to create a team of flying drones communicating together by the implementation of a centralized server which would receipt information from drones and draw the topography of the analyzed area. This project will begin with the manufacturing of the drones. Once they are able to fly, we will implement the server and try to communicate with our team of "bees". Then, the last step will be to realize all the required code to draw the map. Step by step, we will give you some information about our progression. The main goal of this blog is to communicate our ideas, development choices, demonstrations to those who want to realize a similar project, or to those who are just interested in this kind of subject. Please, feel free to contact us if you have some suggestions about the project itself our the blog.