Njord Project

Build an awesome drone from scratch


Not long ago that we had all components to build our drone. Recently we built it. However, we did not obtain expected results. This article is here in order to present what we have obtained and to take stock of the situation.

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Up to now, articles focused essentially on drone, but do not forget we have to implement a server. Today development of the server is almost completed. To get started with gyroscope was quite difficult, then we have in parallel developed the server.
By this article, we want to present how the server works and make a short demonstration by video.

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External support

Now we have received every components and developed each library we have to assemble everything. However, because our school does not have nor 3D printer nor necessary equipment for realization of a circuit, we searched external help. The goal of this article is to present who helped us and what we got from them.

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Gyroscope (MPU6050)

The last time we talked about how to manage communication between one drone and the server. In parallel, one member of the project's group was working on the component which allows us to stabilize the drone's flight. Then, we present this component through this article.

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Radio communication (NRF24L01)

In the previous article we presented you the library we wrote in order to control motors. The last weeks we worked on radio transmitter/receiver. Now the library has been developed we can present it to you through this article.

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The last time we introduced the different components that we have chosen to construct our drone. For this article we have received some pieces. Before assembling everything, we thought it could be more convenient to write the different libraries. The purpose of this article is to present the library that we have written in order to control the motors.

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In the first article we explained the idea of our project. For the last time we have begun with concrete things, beginning by modeling the drone. With this second article we introduce the components we have chosen and the intended circuit.

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First, let us introduce ourselves. We are four French engineering students from EISTI school (École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information). The courses of this school deal with mathematics and computer science. This year is the last of our curriculum and we joined the embedded computing specialization. Also, in order to become graduated we have to realize a final project.

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